
Conditional type specialization using newtypes

October 7, 2024
5 min. read

In an LSM-tree, the levels contain the disk segments (a.k.a. SSTable) of the tree. Each disk segment holds a sorted list of key-value pairs; depending on the segments’ key ranges, the level may or may not be disjoint. During the making of release 2.1, there was a need for a specialized function inside an LSM-tree’s level if it was disjoint.

If it is disjoint, certain operations can be optimized, because the level will be sorted by key range, allowing binary search inside the level (see more in the 2.1 release post):

The binary search function itself looked like this:

/// Returns the segment that possibly contains the key.
/// This only works for disjoint levels.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the level is not disjoint.
pub fn disjoint_get_segment_containing_key<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(
    key: K,
) -> Option<Arc<Segment>> {
    assert!(self.is_disjoint, "level is not disjoint");

    let idx = self
        .partition_point(|x| &*x.metadata.key_range.1 < key.as_ref());


It works, but the assertion makes it a bit awkward. Basically the caller needs to make sure it is allowed to call this function, like this:

if level.is_disjoint {
  // We are allowed to use functions optimized for disjoint levels
  let _ = level.disjoint_get_segment_containing_key(&key);

However, this is error prone, increases code complexity and goes against idiomatic Rust: Making illegal states unrepresentable.

Newtypes to the rescue

Newtypes are basically wrapper types that allow some specialization of its inner type - and they have zero runtime cost.

Consider this example that models a password type (source: Rust Design Patterns):

struct Password(String);

impl std::fmt::Display for Password {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "****************")

fn main() {
    let unsecured_password = "ThisIsMyPassword".to_string();
    println!("unsecured_password: {unsecured_password}");

    let secured_password = Password(unsecured_password);
    println!("secured_password: {secured_password}");


unsecured_password: ThisIsMyPassword
secured_password: ****************

Another example would be using a newtype for special integers: In an LSM-tree, every block is at an offset in a file, and the block index points to every block. Simplified:

struct BlockIndex(HashMap<Key, u64>);

// ... impl omitted

By giving the block index a key, we get the offset to load from file. Great, but now consider this:

let a = 7;

let key = "a";
let offset = block_index.get(key)?;

let block = load_block(a)?; // OK??

Granted, this is a far-fetched example, but in a large codebase, as values travel through many layers of functions and data structures, primitive values such as “u64” can lose semantic meaning. You can use a type alias (type BlockOffset = u64;), but that does not give compile-time guarantees, compared to newtypes:

struct BlockOffset(u64);

struct BlockIndex(HashMap<Key, BlockOffset>);

// ... impl omitted

let block = load_block(a)?; // error: does not compile

let block = load_block(offset)?; // OK

Again, used in this way, newtypes do not have any runtime cost, it is simply a compile-time “marker” to enhance semantics in our codebase.

Going back

Looking back at the disjoint levels, I decided to introduce a DisjointLevel newtype that contains all disjoint specializations:

pub struct DisjointLevel<'a>(&'a Level);

impl<'a> DisjointLevel<'a> {
    /// Returns the segment that possibly contains the key.
    pub fn get_segment_containing_key<K: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, key: K) -> Option<Arc<Segment>> {
        let level = &self.0;

        let idx = level
            .partition_point(|x| &*x.metadata.key_range.1 < key.as_ref());


And a Level can be probed for being disjoint using:

pub fn as_disjoint(&self) -> Option<DisjointLevel<'_>> {
    if self.is_disjoint {
    } else {

If as_disjoint returns None, it is not disjoint; then it is impossible for us to access the disjoint specializations that would crash our program (or return a wrong result).

So instead of:

if level.is_disjoint() {
  let item = level.disjoint_get_segment_containing_key(&key)?;
else {
  // fallback

we do:

if let Some(level) = level.as_disjoint() {
  let item = level.get_segment_containing_key(&key)?;
else {
  // fallback

Less assertions, less stuff that can go wrong, and we can match on the disjointness of a level.


Newtypes are a great way to have more compile-time guard rails in your codebase and attach additional functionality to primitive types at no additional runtime costs, all while enhancing semantics like type definitions.

Interested in LSM-trees and Rust?

Check out fjall, an MIT-licensed LSM-based storage engine written in Rust.
